Secrets To Building A successful Marriage

Marriage is union between two people which means for it to last it takes ,efforts are to be made, listed below are some of the tips that could help couples last and also prepare the unmarried for the journey ahead.

Adaptation of each other to the marriage life and marriage environment is very important ,adjust your life style to suite your partner
do not marry out of sympathy
marriage based on sympathy never hold up for long , do not marry because you have known him or her for a long time,marry because of natural love , marriage should be based on pure and natural love based on natural understanding between the two people involved

family savings
it is better to save for rainy days because tommorrow is uncertain and no one knows what comes with it ,''pray for the best but expect the worse. a good number of reasons call for family savings .


Married couples are supposed to the truth to each other , cause of the major problems in married homes is dishonesty , being honest with your partner completely removes every element of doubt and suspicion in the home hence creates a lasting marriage and lasting home


An adage has it that the appearance of a man gives him/her a seat . being neat and tidy all the time makes your partner happy ,so learn to be clean all the time .being careless in  your appearance may make your partner lose interest in you . this may not give way for a successful marriage


Set your goals high , plan them , work towards them ,with hardwork hopefully you can achieve them ,look deep in your environment ,business ,political ,employment and settle down with a good paying job or a lucrative business .


Couples should learn to say sorry .anytime the occasion calls for it , simply am sorry will go a long in healing wounds ,it softens and dilutes any hard or difficult situation , it smoothens the marital home .


The type of friends you keep speaks good or bad of you both partners should know their friends ,this will curtail and prevent the entry of unnecessary strangers or visitors in the family home.

 make time for yourselves

couples should learn to make out time for themselves ,create a special time to study your partner ,finding out if she/he has any problem ,relate with your spouse to see if he/she is with you or not ,learn to ask question to know know they feel or what could be wrong and find a solution if neccesarry


tolerating each other is the greatest asset the couple should posses because this gives room for peaceful co-existence.''two wrongs cant make right'',always admit your faults and take corrections . never claim to be mr or mrs right all the time ,couples can argue . but try to listen to onbe anothers opinion ,just so you know  ''everybody's way is rightin their eyes.

couples should learn to respect each other , love themselves for peace and harmony to reign.


couples should learn to appreciate each other , appreciation gives room for motivation , when you appreciate your wife'sor husbands efforts he or she will try for you again ,men appreciate your wives ,wives appreciate your husbands .

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