Lesbian Teen commits suicide after her family refused to accept her sexual orientation

An 18-year-old Indian girl died by suicide after her family refused to accept her and her sexual orientation.

The second-year student of arts stream was found hanging from a ceiling fan at her residence on Sunday, May 7.

The teenager disclosed in her suicide note that she was lesbian. The victim had further said that it was not possible for her to marry a man and live a happy life.

The girl has also stated in her suicide note that opting to end her life by suicide seemed to be a happier idea to her than adopting a lifestyle to which she is not naturally inclined.

She apologized to her parents for her actions in the note. Following her suicide, a post-mortem examination was conducted on Monday, and her body was released to her parents for the last rites. They then took her to their village for the funeral.

The incident has sent shock waves among members of the same-sex community.

Police said the teenager failed to find support from her parents after they found out she was a lesbian. While the parents disapproved of her gender preferences, she too refused to budge, said sub-inspector Nitin Vithole from Gittikhadan police station, who visited the suicide spot.

“The teenager took the drastic step when the family was away. The father was the first to spot her hanging body,” said Vithole.

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