Wife Insists On Having Separate Bedrooms After Wedding

Is it such a bad idea though? I mean, to actually want separate bedrooms from your husband? Maybe his room bigger, the Master bedroom to accommodate both parties but another smaller separate room for wifey....just saying.

An intending couple got into a heated argument just a few weeks before their wedding when during a conversation the wife stated that she wanted her own bedroom. The man didn't take it to heart at first assuming she was joking, but soon enough realized the pretty lady wasn't joking at all. She meant every word of it. This ensued in a huge argument that dragged on for days. Members of the family and friends even got involved at some point. I remember my dad calling to ask me how I felt about the whole situation, my answer was pretty much simple- Give the young lady what she wants.

Hear me out!!!

Firstly, the space is not an issue, its not like they need to go buy or rent another house to accommodate this arrangement. They own a house of their own that has enough rooms that nobody uses.

Secondly, her reasons are very valid, which probably would be my reasons too. We don't always want to talk, be cuddled or argue, sometimes we just need our space to think clearly and enjoy the solitude. She went ahead to say she doesn't like herself during her menstrual phase so she stays away from everyone, doesn't go to work, she is just indoor writhing in pain and consoling herself. She would like to continue with that without having to bother or lash out at her husband simply because she is in pain. She made him understand that he is only fighting it because he has been conditioned traditionally that they must have the same room. However, if he is been truthful to himself he would realize that alone times can't be bought with money, doesn't mean they don't love each other anymore, it just means there is a need for recharge.

Her other reason was she wouldn't want her siblings or very close friends to ever have a reason to step into their matrimonial bedroom, which is the husband's room.

Her last reason, very valid too, is that she is quite a clumsy person, she looks for one outfit for the day and the whole place is upside down, her husband however is very neat freak and loves everything exactly how they should be. She said she wants to have her freedom and be able to have her things in a separate room, that way her mess is out of his face.

I personally think its a great idea for a woman to have a separate room that is hers, she can decorate it to her taste, have her me times, like her own closet. Even though most of the night I will be in my husband's room cuddled up, cos what is sleep without my man. But I'd love to know the option is there for me when I need to be alone for whatever reason. Moreso, the room is not going to be out of bound to my husband, he can always come in whenever he wants, the bed will be big enough for two, just incase the HS ministers to us right there....lol

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